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Mark Keightley, Ph.D.

Section Leader, Economics


Program: Online MBA

Ph.D., Economics, Florida State University
MS, Economics, Florida State University
BS, Economics, College of Charleston
Expertise: Macroeconomic fiscal policy, financial economics, business and international corporate taxation

Mark Keightley is a section leader for William & Mary’s Online MBA program. He resides in Northern Virginia and is an economist with the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) in Washington, D.C.

At CRS he advises Congress and their staff on macroeconomic fiscal policy, financial economics, and business and international corporate taxation. His research at CRS has been cited by the President's Council of Economic Advisers, U.S. Supreme Court, Government Accountability Office, Tax Policy Center, Federal Reserve of Dallas, Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, Center on Budget Policies and Priorities, CNN, Businessweek, Bloomberg, The New York Times, Reuters, Tax Notes, Daily Tax Report, and various books and academic papers.

Mark has served as an adjunct professor in the Maxwell Graduate School at Syracuse University, the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University and the economics department at George Washington University. He has also been a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and an associate at the Congressional Budget Office.