Home Online Business Blog Big Data and Business Intelligence: Extracting Insights for a Competitive Advantage

Big Data and Business Intelligence: Extracting Insights for a Competitive Advantage

06 May
Person at laptop, analyzing customer data.

Modern businesses have an advantage that those in the past could only imagine—the insights gleaned from the vast amounts of data generated by the everyday activities of their customers. Businesses can use big data to uncover trends and patterns that drive innovation, optimize operations, and improve the customer experience. Business intelligence (BI) platforms enable organizations to process and analyze these datasets with advanced analytics, data mining and visualization tools that transform raw data into actionable intelligence.1

Industries have witnessed a shift from intuition-driven decisions to data-driven strategies. Data-driven strategies have evolved from simple data collection and analysis to sophisticated algorithms and machine learning, powered by advancements in computing power and storage solutions. This change reflects the increasing value of data for today’s businesses.2

This post will examine how analysts extract insights from big data to gain a competitive advantage.

Leveraging Big Data Analytics for Competitive Insights

Business analysts use sophisticated systems and technologies to handle the volume, velocity and variety of big data. They collect data by aggregating it from sources such as social media feeds, transaction records, sensors and logs. They store it with solutions designed to accommodate the immense scale and growth of their data, such as distributed systems like the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or cloud storage services that offer scalability and reliability.3 Analysts use powerful computational frameworks such as Apache Spark or Apache Flink to process these datasets, which can perform complex analytical operations in real-time or batch modes.4

Data Mining of Customer Data

Data mining uncovers patterns and trends within large datasets. These techniques include classification, clustering, regression and association rule learning, among others. Using these methods, analysts can identify hidden patterns, correlations and insights in customer data that would otherwise go unnoticed. For instance, clustering can group customers with similar behaviors, while association rules can uncover relationships between different products in transaction data, which can suggest effective cross-selling strategies.5

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics and forecasting leverage historical data to predict future events or behaviors. Analysts use algorithms to make informed decisions by forecasting market trends, demand and potential risks. Retailers can predict future sales trends, allowing them to optimize their inventory management and financial institutions can use predictive models to assess credit risk.6

Real-Time Analytics

Real-time analytics provide immediate insights from live data to allow quick actions. Businesses can analyze customer data as it’s generated, without the latency associated with traditional batch processing methods. Real-time analytics applications range from monitoring financial transactions for fraudulent activity to managing traffic flow in smart cities. Organizations can respond to events as they happen to improve their operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and crisis management.7

Business Intelligence Tools and Technologies for Effective Data Analysis

BI tools analyze, process, and visualize large volumes of data from various sources, making it easier for businesses to derive insights from big data.

Tableau is a widely used BI tool that caters to both technical and non-technical users by letting them create interactive, shareable dashboards. Tableau supports data from many sources, including real-time data feeds, emphasizing ease of use in creating complex visualizations.8

Another popular BI tool is Microsoft’s Power BI, which integrates easily with Microsoft products like Excel and Azure while providing data analytics and visualization capabilities.9

Regardless of which tools an analyst uses, they’ll customize them to tailor the visualizations, metrics, and reports for their business objectives and industry standards. A retail business might focus on sales performance, inventory levels, and customer demographics. Effective customization requires a deep understanding of the business context, key performance indicators (KPIs) and the ability to interpret data in a way that aligns with strategic goals.10

Extracting Strategic Insights

BI allows business analysts to use the patterns they discover from analyzing data to drive strategic decision-making. These decisions can give companies a data-driven competitive advantage.

Behavioral Analysis

One way that analysts use data to make strategic decisions is through customer segmentation and behavioral analysis. They divide customers into distinct groups based on common characteristics, purchasing habits, and preferences to tailor their marketing strategies. Businesses can use this information to deliver personalized messages in marketing campaigns, products and services, ultimately improving sales, customer engagement and loyalty.11

Supply-Chain Optimization

Data analytics can also support supply-chain optimization. Businesses can improve the efficiency and reliability of their supply chain by using historical data to forecast future demand, identify potential supply-chain disruptions, and recommend actions to mitigate risks. Predictive analytics can help businesses manage their inventory levels more effectively, optimize their logistics for cost and speed, and improve their supplier selection and management. It can also assist with risk management. By anticipating demand fluctuations and supply-chain vulnerabilities, companies can reduce their costs, increase their agility and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.12

Competitive Analysis and Identifying Market Trends

Businesses need to stay ahead of their competition to flourish. Analyzing data from a variety of sources, including market research, social media, and industry reports, can give them insights into market dynamics such as shifts in consumer preferences, emerging technological trends, or new competitive threats. This knowledge enables companies to proactively adjust their strategies, innovate their offerings and capture new market opportunities before their competitors do.13

Companies Successfully Leveraging Big Data

From retail to healthcare, companies are using customer data and business intelligence tools to make data-driven decisions that catapult their growth and market positioning. Let’s take a look at some compelling examples of companies that have successfully integrated big data analytics and business intelligence to gain a competitive edge.


Amazon uses big data for personalized shopping experiences. By analyzing customer purchase history, search patterns and shopping cart contents, Amazon recommends products tailored to individual preferences, significantly boosting its sales and customer loyalty. Additionally, its dynamic pricing strategy, which adjusts prices in real-time based on demand, competition and inventory, is powered by big data analytics, giving Amazon a competitive advantage in the e-commerce sector.14


Netflix has transformed the entertainment industry by using big data to personalize viewer recommendations. By analyzing billions of records, Netflix can suggest shows and movies with astonishing accuracy, based on past viewing behavior, ratings and even the time of day content is consumed.15 This data-driven approach to content recommendation keeps viewers engaged, reduces churn, and has positioned Netflix as a leader in the streaming service industry.


Starbucks employs big data and business intelligence tools to optimize its store locations. By analyzing location-based data, traffic patterns and demographic information, Starbucks can pinpoint the perfect locations for new stores.16 Moreover, Starbucks uses big data to understand customer behavior, preferences and purchasing patterns, enabling personalized marketing and enhancing customer experiences.


UPS leverages big data to optimize delivery routes, which not only reduces fuel consumption but also ensures timely deliveries. Through its ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation) system, UPS analyzes delivery routes using advanced algorithms and real-time traffic data, substantially cutting down on miles driven and fuel costs.17 This operational efficiency translates to competitive pricing and better customer service, giving UPS an edge in the logistics industry.


IBM uses its big data analytics and business intelligence capabilities not just internally but also as a service offering to clients. Its Watson Analytics platform provides powerful data analysis and visualization tools, helping businesses across various sectors make informed decisions.18 By innovating in the space of cognitive computing and AI, IBM solutions help companies gain insights from their data, leading to improved operational efficiencies, product innovation and a competitive stance in their respective markets.

These examples demonstrate how big data analytics and business intelligence tools are essential components for companies aiming to remain competitive in the digital age.

Gain a Competitive Advantage With William & Mary

The modern business environment is increasingly driven by data science and analytics. William & Mary’s Online Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program provides hands-on, practical, real-world applications for data analytics. Through a robust curriculum, you’ll develop a solid foundation that will help you leverage data to drive strategic decisions, enhance operational efficiency and foster innovation.

In as few as 15 months, you can prepare to take on senior roles that require both analytical acumen and business insight. When you enroll in the Online MSBA program, you also have the distinct opportunity to complete the Foundations in Business Analytics Certificate within the first five months of the program at no additional time or cost. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile with this business analytics credential early in the program for a more immediate impact on your career.

Schedule a call with an admissions outreach advisor today to get started.

  1. Retrieved on May 1, 2024, from techtarget.com/searchdatamanagement/definition/big-data
  2. Retrieved on May 1, 2024, from nobledesktop.com/classes-near-me/blog/history-of-data-analytics
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  5. Retrieved on May 1, 2024, from medium.com/@learnwithwhiteboard_digest/all-major-data-mining-techniques-explained-with-examples-1f63d61481e4
  6. Retrieved on May 1, 2024, from cloud.google.com/learn/what-is-predictive-analytics
  7. Retrieved on May 1, 2024, from rockset.com/real-time-analytics-explained/
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  13. Retrieved on May 1, 2024, 2024, from zapier.com/blog/competitive-market-analysis/
  14. Retrieved on May 1, 2024, from sanjeebtiwary.medium.com/unveiling-the-power-play-how-amazon-utilizes-business-intelligence-to-shape-customer-behavior-336cf3defb2c
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